June 27, 2024

The University of Antwerp and the SDGs: students learn how to think and act sustainably

The University of Antwerp (UAntwerp) takes sustainability seriously. The University actively engages with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aim for a better and more sustainable future for everyone. One of the ways in which UAntwerp does this is by teaching an interdisciplinary course on sustainability. This course helps students (from different fields of study) to think outside the box and devise solutions for the global challenges of tomorrow.

A special course

The course on sustainability focuses on the limits of what our planet can support. The point of departure is respect for the scarcity of raw materials and the vulnerability of ecosystems. At the same time, attention is paid to combating poverty and improving quality of life.

The course addresses various challenges, such as the transition from fossil to renewable energy sources, north-south solidarity, recycling, the reuse and sharing economy, densification of residential areas, and nature-based solutions. Students are given a scientific introduction to the complexity of sustainability problems and an insight into possible solutions, all of this in the context of the SDGs.

Interdisciplinary and solution-oriented learning

The themed classes cover the economic, ecological, social and political pillars of sustainability, as well as its global and local dimensions. Students also learn about the role of technology and sustainable design. To encourage interdisciplinary and solution-oriented thinking, students join forces to work on a group paper on a specific sustainability problem.

At the end of the course, students will have learnt to recognise the interconnections between the SDGs and understand the interactions between the different aspects of sustainability. They will have acquired the ability to reflect critically on standards and values for a sustainable future and have developed an insight into the way disciplines, beliefs and philosophies can influence one another.

The University of Antwerp prepares students for a sustainable future. By teaching them how they can think about sustainability and the SDGs in an innovative and interdisciplinary way, UAntwerp provides them with the tools they need to have a positive impact on the world.

More info: www.uantwerpen.be/sustainability

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