June 28, 2024

A curious mind leads to a better world

By Denis Tierney, Research Communication Officer, University of Limerick

At the very core of University of Limerick (UL) is an instinctive drive to create knowledge for a better world.

Our faculty, researchers and students are empowered to be curious, to be questioning.

UL is home to a community of the curious, who are conducting excellent fundamental research with impact.

Our research strategy Wisdom for Action is aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with our vision to contribute to the discovery of new knowledge for a better world.

And this strategy is working.

Sustainability at the heart of everything we do. Our discoveries in materials science, energy and environment, circular economy and food security are critical to supporting a more sustainable future for all communities.

UL is piloting a university digital twin of our campus, a cutting-edge tool designed to enhance UL’s ability to monitor and manage sustainability initiatives.

Our goal is to build a vibrant community where research excellence is valued, supported and central to all facets of our organisation and aligned to the (SDGs).

We have four strategic, mission-orientated challenges in which research across all disciplines at UL is making, and will continue to make, an impact.

We are making a difference.

By embedding an immersive research environment across the university, we are valuing creativity and innovation.

We encourage researchers to look beyond their research and see the impact it could have on communities regionally, nationally and internationally.

We allow researchers to spread their wings, delve into their curiosity to seek to address global challenges, with their research helping to make our society better for all.

WATCH how post-doctoral researcher and MSCA fellow Joseph Mooney’s love of water has transformed during his time in UL and driven his desire to create a more sustainable future for all.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDhZA2FJZpo

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