May 22, 2024

Erasmus+ education projects at the University of Klagenfurt

Within the framework of Key Action 2, the Erasmus+ programme supports international projects in the scope of knowledge transfer and capacity building in the field of teaching within the European and international higher education area. The University of Klagenfurt is currently involved in 14 Erasmus+ education projects, four of which are coordinated by university members. Cooperation partners are universities and other institutions in 31 countries around the world, including Argentina, DR Congo, Cameroon, Thailand, Uruguay and Vietnam in addition to many European countries.

Current lead projects being implemented at the University of Klagenfurt include:

  • PROFUND, Smaller Partnerships in Adult Education – Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. Monika Kastner/Department of Educational Science:Assessment framework for the identification and recognition of summative, formative and transformative dimensions of learning in literacy and basic education with adults

Current lead projects at the university that are in their finalisation phase (e.g. final report):

  • INCREASE, Capacity Building in Higher Education – Hans Karl Peterlini/Department of Educational Science: Innovative Capacity Building by Participative and Reflective Teacher Training for Academia, Society and Enterprises
  • NEON, Capacity Building in Higher Education – Andrea M. Tonello/Department of Networked and Embedded Systems:Network of Competences on Internet of Things/NEON
  • ABILITI, Cooperation Partnerships – Agnes Turner/ Department of Instructional and School Development:Avatar Based Interaction and Learning In Times of Illness

In the context of the calls for funding in spring (February, March) 2024, great interest was again shown in participating in the Erasmus+ Key Action 2 programme. Thematic areas range, for example, from artificial intelligence, climate protection and school education, to inclusive learning tools and teaching materials. Furthermore, various submissions have already been announced for the corresponding funding calls in summer 2024.

The Erasmus+ Key Action 2 project “RAFT” (“Reconnaître les Acquis en Formation par le Travail”), in which Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. Monika Kastner from the university’s Department of Educational Science was involved as a project partner, received a special honour in March 2024. The recently completed project was recognised by the French National Agency for Erasmus+ as an “example of good practice”.

The project focused on assessment frameworks for activities in catering and horticulture, e.g. proof of skills for people who work as valuable workers in companies and have not completed any formal training for their occupations. The criteria for the award by the French National Agency were the relevance, the overall quality of the implementation, the impact and the dissemination of the project results.

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Photocredit: © Daniel Waschnig

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