February 21, 2023

YERUN Research Mobility Awards 2021: Discover Lea Matleković’s research collaboration!

“The collaboration had proven to be fruitful as we developed a new path planning method for the visual inspection of three-dimensional structures. This research was a great part of my PhD project and provided useful results for the oceanic search and rescue project at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Rijeka. This collaboration provided me with insights into research methods of experienced academics, improved my skills in academic writing and research in general. Also, I deepened my technical knowledge of autonomous vehicles and techniques for path planning. As a young PhD student, I learned new perspectives of conducting research that would not be possible within my University and I appreciate the given opportunity.”


About the collaboration:

The collaboration between Lea Matlekovič, from the University if Southern Denmark, and Assistant Professor Stefan Ivić, from the University of Rijeka, can be presented in three stages. During the first stage, they conducted online meetings to closely determine the research problem and discuss the differences and similarities of their approach. They found that the approach Prof. Ivić developed in his previous research work concerning two-dimensional area search could be extended and applied for the three-dimensional volume search and visual inspection. As the algorithm required significant modification, they invited two additional members to collaborate with them, Luka Grbčić, PhD from the Department of Fluid Mechanics and Computational Engineering and Assist. Prof. Bojan Crnkovićf fromthe Department of Mathematics both at the University of Rijeka. During the second stage, they held weekly meetings and set up the collaboration on the GitLab platform. During the third stage, they began writing an article proposing the algorithm for inspection path planning and demonstrating its applications.


About Lea Matleković:

Lea Matleković is a PhD fellow at Syddansk Universitet – University of Southern Denmark.

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