July 6, 2022

Rethinking Academic Careers: cultural change as key bottleneck to be addressed

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YERUN is proud to launch its paper “Rethinking Academic Careers: cultural change as a key bottleneck to be addresed”!

This is the result of a long and beautiful working process that we have carried out with the members of the YERUN ad hoc group on the development of academic careers.

The paper aims to contribute to the ongoing debate at EU level on the Reform of Research Assessment. Taking the broader perspective of “academic careers”, YERUN argues that when rethinking academic careers assessment, change can only happen when new ways of assessing careers become rooted throughout the entire academic community. For this to happen a cultural change will be necessary, but how can we prepare for it?

The paper firstly, underlines that such a cultural change does not need to start from scratch, but should be inspired by the “early adopters” and by the many initiatives that are already emerging at university, national and international level. To this end, the paper showcases what young European research universities are doing in this regard. Secondly, it proposes a set-by-step approach for preparing for such a cultural change, a way for laying the foundations for the change that we need.

Enjoy your read!

Rethinking Academic Careers: cultural change as key bottleneck to be addressed

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