From 11 to 13 October 2023, YERUN Rectors, Presidents and Vice-Chancellors, YERUN Coordinators, experts and the YERUN Office convened in Lisbon for the YERUN General Assembly (GA).
The three days of the YERUN General Assembly, hosted by NOVA University Lisbon, provided a platform for YERUN leaders to discuss YERUN matters, with a focus on talent development in universities.
The GA started with a warm welcome session. Prof. João Sàágua, Rector of NOVA University Lisbon, extended a warm welcome to all attendees, underlining the significance of being part of the YERUN network and the value of being an integral part of it. Following, Prof. João Amaro de Matos, Vice Rector for Education and International Development, presented NOVA and discussed the university’s role in education and international development.

The second day revolved around the Rectors Workshop, focusing on “Talent Policy, Career Management, and Pedagogical Innovation.” The session delved deep into the role of young research universities in fostering talent and innovation.
During the workshop, NOVA University Lisbon shared its “Teaching and Learning Innovative Pedagogies” policy as an exemplary case of how talent management drives institutional strategy. This policy will guide NOVA’s educational activities in the coming years.
Starting from NOVA policy, the workshop, aimed to reflect on universities’ roles in fostering talent, across students, researchers, and staff, highlighted the significance of talent development, not only in the context of students but also among researchers and staff members.
Ms. Signe Ratso, Deputy Director of DG RTD at the European Commission, joined YERUN members for the workshop and the discussion was enriched by her contribution. Indeed, she provided a comprehensive overview of ongoing EU policies related to the roles of universities in research and innovation ecosystems, international collaboration, and talent development, and insights on the next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10).
Her presence and engagement with the YERUN community underscored the importance of collaboration between academia and policy-making bodies.

In parallel, YERUN Coordinators met to discuss key topics about talent development, internationalisation and the strategic role of the YERUN Coordinators.
Starting from the presentation of Carolina Pereira, Head of the Education Division at NOVA University Lisbon, that explained the Talent Development Policy of NOVA, Coordinators discussed talent development.
Following, they exchanged views and best practices relating to their institutions’ internationalisation strategies.
Finally, they were involved in a workshop organised by the YERUN Brussels Office on the strategic role of the YERUN Coordinators, fundamentals in the work of the YERUN network.

The concluding day focused on internal strategic discussions between YERUN leaders.
One of the key highlights of the meeting was the election of the new YERUN President, Prof. Dag Rune Olsen, Rector of UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. The YERUN Brussels Office would like to thank Prof. Snjezana Prijic-Samarzija, Rector of University of Riejka, for her leadership and dedication during her mandate as YERUN President and congratulate Prof. Dag Rune Olsen on his election. We’re looking forward to starting this new chapter!

A huge thank you from the YERUN Brussels Office, on behalf of all YERUN members, to NOVA University Lisbon for their warm hospitality. Thank you in particular to NOVA University Lisbon Rector, Prof. João Sàágua, to Vice Rector João Amaro de Matos and to João Martins, YERUN Coordinator at NOVA University Lisbon, for hosting us and for organising an inspiring General Assembly. We look forward to seeing colleagues again in March, for the next General Assembly that will be hosted by Université Paris Dauphine-PSL.