The YERUN Open Science Awards are an initiative launched by YERUN in 2021. Originally inspired by a similar scheme promoted by the University of Reading, the YERUN Open Science Awards aim to recognise and rewards efforts made by the academic community to promote Open Science within their institutions and beyond.
The decision to launch an Open Science Awards scheme in YERUN stemmed from the YERUN ad hoc group on Open Science. This working group brings together Open Science practitioners from the YERUN institutions: librarians, research data managers, advisors, research support officers, professors, all come together in this group to share, learn from each other, and celebrate our network’s love for Open Science and Open Knowledge more broadly.
The YERUN Open Science Awards represent our commitment to advance Open Science not only at the level of policy and recommendations, but concretely by highlighting practices from YERUN members that year by year contribute to making knowledge everyone’s business.
With this page, we want to help anyone wanting to set-up their own Open Science Awards schemes to do so in a smooth and fun way. It is important to consider that the beauty of such initiatives is their high level of customisation: this means that future users can adapt the material shared by YERUN to their own contexts and personalise it to the degree that they prefer.
Against this background, we are happy to share with interested users the following material:
- YERUN Open Science Awards call
- Guidelines for evaluators
- Timeline: from the launch of the call to the awards
We hope this information is useful. For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Have fun with the Open Science Awards!!!