About Us


The Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN), founded in 2015, brings together like-minded young research universities in Europe, with the primary objective of raising the voice of young universities in Europe via a dedicated strategic representation and lobbying action and strengthening their cooperation, maximising opportunities to collaborate in areas of mutual interest and benefit.


  • Influence and advise on EU policies in order to shape the future of universities and to have a true impact on the role and nature of higher education in Europe.
  • Promote collaborative and transformative activities among our members, with a view to facilitating connections, learning from each other and achieving greater impact.
  • Showcase the achievements made by young European research universities through a dedicated communication strategy boosting their visibility at international level.


To shape a higher education environment where young universities have a true impact on the role and nature of academic pursuit, by being inclusive, responsible, open and innovative, and by enabling talent to grow in all its dimensions.

Our Members

Young research Universities in Europe
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Prof. Mia Rönnmar

Vice-Chancellor Malmö University

Prof. Tõnu Viik

Rector Tallinn University

Prof. Andrzej Tretyn

Rector Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Prof. Snjezana Prijic-Samarzija

Rector University of Rijeka

Prof. Bruno Bouchard

President Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Prof. Dag Rune Olsen

Rector UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

Prof. Michael Weber

Rector Universität Ulm

Prof. Maria Fasli

Acting Vice-Chancellor University of Essex

Prof. João Sàágua

Rector Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Prof. Tapio Määttä

Rector University of Eastern Finland

Prof. Katharina Holzinger

Rector Universität Konstanz

Prof. Tasos Christofides

Rector University of Cyprus

Prof. Jens Ringsmose

Rector Syddansk Universitet

Prof. Gerry McCormac

Principal and Vice-Chancellor University of Stirling

Prof. Pia Cecilie Bing-Jonsson

Rector University of South-Eastern Norway

Prof. Rianne Letschert

President Maastricht University

Prof. Andrew Jones

Vice-Chancellor and President Brunel University of London

Prof. Jutta Günther

President Universität Bremen

Prof. Nathan Levialdi Ghiron

Rector Tor Vergata University of Rome

Prof. Ángel Arias Hernández

Rector Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Prof. Shane Kilcommins

Acting President University of Limerick

Prof. Ada Pellert

President University of Klagenfurt

Prof. Oliver Günther

President University of Potsdam

Prof. Herwig Leirs 

Rector University of Antwerp

Prof. Dag Rune Olsen

President UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

Prof. Adam Kola

Vice President Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Prof. Sophie Vanhoonacker

Treasurer Maastricht University

Prof. Jens Ringsmose

Board member Syddansk Universitet

Prof. Barbara Höhle

Board Member University of Potsdam

Mikk Kasesalk

Tallinn University

Lucyna Kejna

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Daniela Englisch

Universität Ulm

Barbara Hasenmüller

Universität Bremen

Riikka Pellinen

University of Eastern Finland

Pål Vegar Storeheier

UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

Ida Thøstesen

Syddansk Universitet

Corrado Cerruti

Tor Vergata University of Rome

Elisabeth Frei

University of Klagenfurt

Petia Popova

Universität Konstanz

Dorian Hayes

University of Essex

Jan Hupkens

Maastricht University

Joëlle Pletinckx

University of Antwerp

Toni O'Connor

Brunel University of London

Josephine Page

University of Limerick

Nina Premuš

University of Rijeka

Elena Buffa

University of Klagenfurt

Elena Avgoustidou-Kyriacou

University of Cyprus

João Martins 

Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Pablo Grzeskow Jaszczyszyn

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Marita Böhning

University of Potsdam

Gordon Marshall

University of Stirling

Heidi Tovsrud Knutsen

University of South-Eastern Norway

Benjamin Giami

Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

The YERUN Brussels Office

Silvia Gomez Recio

Secretary General

Brian Talty

Policy Officer

Raquel Vega Rubio

Policy and Project Officer

Mariangela Boe

Communications Officer & Network Coordinator

Gabriela Sachetti

Junior Policy and Communications Officer