October 16, 2024

Open Access news from UEF

by Tomi Rosti, Information Specialist, University of Eastern Finland Library

Last year, the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) updated its Open Science and Research Policy. This year, we are working on an action plan for the coming years. This action plan focuses on changes in the operating culture, as well as on open education, data and infrastructures, and publishing.

Traditionally, during the International Open Access Week, a UEFian (a person or a unit) is recognised for their contribution to open science and open access with an Open Science Award. The UEF Library also draws a winner from among UEF students who have published their Master’s thesis in open access during the preceding 12 months.

For this year’s International Open Access Week, we may organise an Open Science game afternoon. We have discussed using the LEGO® Metadata for Reproducibility game from the selection of YUFERING open science games (https://zenodo.org/records/7680290#.ZBrceXaZOyJ). At UEF, this game was tested for the first time in the UEF Summer School this autumn – and it was found relatively easy to implement.

During the International Open Access Week, blog posts related to citizen science and Finland’s national guidelines, as well as to the previously mentioned Open Science Awards, will be published in the UEF Library’s blog.

Tomi Rosti
Information Specialist
UEF Library

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