September 24, 2024

Maastricht University – European pioneer in research

As the birthplace of the European Union and located in the heart of the Euregion, Maastricht University places Europe at the core of its education and research. Through initiatives like Studio Europa Maastricht, UM researchers collaborate to address today’s and tomorrow’s complex European challenges. From pressing issues such as technology, migration and climate change to the evolving demands of global governance, the University of Maastricht is committed to finding solutions for a sustainable and resilient Europe.

UM’s pioneering work in global governance includes projects like REMIT, which examines how technology can strengthen the EU’s role in global leadership, and Corosect, funded by Horizon 2020, which tackles environmental issues through advanced research.

Additionally, projects like the Child War initiative, recently awarded an NWO grant, exemplify UM’s commitment to addressing human rights and societal challenges. Another example of European research at Maastricht University is a project regarding multilateralism, also supported by an EU Horizon grant, which further reinforces the University’s dedication to finding collaborative, global solutions.

Alongside Dutch physics institute Nikhef, Maastricht University is also a driving force behind ETpathfinder, an R&D infrastructure designed to test and prototype innovative concepts for the Einstein Telescope. This next-generation gravitational wave observatory, which could be coming to the Euregion, would create tremendous opportunities for the region.

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