July 22, 2024

EMERGE – Empowering the Margins of Europe through Regional and Global Engagement

The EMERGE (Empowering the Margins of Europe through Regional and Global Engagement) consortium is delighted to announce their selection as one of the 14 new European University Alliances under the 2024 call for proposals.

EMERGE brings together nine universities from eight European countries united by the conviction that by working together we can better serve our marginalised students, territories and communities. EMERGE is led by University of Limerick, Ireland together with the following members: Democritus University of Thrace (Greece), University of Coruña (Spain), Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway), Université Bretagne Sud (France), Matej Bel University (Slovakia), Europa-Universität Flensburg (Germany), Université Rennes 2 (France) and Neapolis University Pafos (Cyprus).

The nine members of EMERGE have been functioning as a dynamic European University Alliance since 2019, cooperating on a wide range of joint Erasmus+ projects and organising regular workshops, seminars and joint educational activities focused on inclusion, solidarity, multilingualism and cultural diversity and the promotion of the European way of life.

The awarding of the Erasmus+ grant will enable EMERGE to fulfil their mission of empowering marginalised territories and communities to help build a more equitable, sustainable and prosperous Europe for all.

EMERGE aims to enable an institutional model to emerge that is better suited to address the challenges of territories and communities by combining our strengths. Societal engagement is at the heart of our identity: it is the first mission of EMERGE. Although the three missions of a university constantly interact and shape each other, it is the societal and territorial mission that drives our approach in research and education and defines the way we operate as universities. A key contribution to this will be made through four flagship initiatives:

  1. EMERGE knowledge co-creation teams

EMERGE knowledge co-creation teams will be formed and consolidated by defining pathways that ensure stakeholder involvement. EMERGE aim is to strengthen the interplay between research, industry, government and civil society, fostering collaborative efforts for sustainable solutions to societal challenges in our territories. Rooted in the principles of open, digital, green and resilient scientific production, EMERGE prioritises multidisciplinary, international, community-engaged, challenge based and service-oriented co-creation of knowledge in the European periphery.

  • The EMERGE European Academic Pathways (EAP) and the EMERGE lifelong learning formats

EMERGE EAP will be developed as European education programmes that address real-world challenges affecting our EMERGE territories and communities. They are conceptualised to be integrated into existing degree programmes.

They will be designed to:

  1. propose innovative, flexible and inclusive European curricula,
  2. support academic staff to engage in EMERGE education programmes,
  3. promote challenge- and service-based learning formats
  4. facilitate virtual learning. EMERGE lifelong learning formats will be designed as micro-credentials and flexible formats to empower and upgrade the skills of adult learners, including minorities (both re-skilling and upskilling).

The aim is to enhance their employability and wellbeing, increase their participation in the labour market and improve their overall learning outcomes. In line with the OECD micro-credentials report and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, EMERGE is committed to supporting disadvantaged learners in lifelong learning.

  • EMERGE Plurilingual Mobility Programmes

The EMERGE Plurilingual Mobility Programmes are tailored for students and staff from across our Alliance. They transcend linguistic and cultural boundaries and offer participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in a plurilingual and multicultural environment. Through these programmes, individuals have access to a wealth of courses, professional development opportunities and collaborative research initiatives. With multilingualism as a cornerstone, our mobility programmes aim to improve language skills, cultural understanding and academic collaboration, contributing to the holistic development of our academic community.

  • EMERGE Strategic Planning Unit

The EMERGE Strategic Planning Unit is specifically designed to work closely with EMERGE members’ local strategic planning teams. With a focus on long-term vision and comprehensive policy development, it will be key to shaping the overarching policy framework for the EMERGE European Alliance and guiding EMERGE towards a sustainable, inclusive and strategically focused future.

Next Steps

The EMERGE consortium Steering Committee, Work Package leads along with their Rectors and Presidents will meet in Brussels in September 2024 to plan for the start of EMERGE on 1 January 2025.

Find out more information about EMERGE


In the picture: EMERGE Staff Week at DUTH in Greece

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