July 25, 2022

A look back at PSL University’s Pedago’Days 2022

The PSL’s Pedagogical Innovation Centre (Centre d’Innovation Pédagogique, CIP), of which the Université Paris Dauphine-PSL is a member, organised the 2022 edition of the Pédago’Days on June 16th and 17th at the École MINES Paris – PSL and the Université Paris Dauphine – PSL.

The event was very rewarding both for the speakers, who were able to obtain feedback on their educational projects, and for the participants who came to collect new ideas from their peers (a support for master’s students to develop their research skills, co-construction of educational tools with students, feedback on experiences with the flipped classroom, etc). These two days were moments of sharing and exchange with other professors and researchers but also with engineers and teaching advisors from the Pedagogical Innovation Centre, who organised the event.

The discussions highlighted the need for teacher training in pedagogy, to which the CIP responds by offering, among other things, the Pédago’Days, but also training workshops throughout the year, via the PSL’s École interne, PSL plateforme to support continuing educational to all the PSL’s staff (professors and administrative staff).

The educational projects that were presented demonstrate the involvement of PSL University’s professors and their commitment to the academic success and well-being of students. Discussions between the participants underlined the fact that students are evolving and that this opportunity must be seized to create new ways of teaching to this new type of audience.

These moments are essential for promoting the educational initiatives and innovations of PSL’s teaching community and for highlighting the issue of teaching at the university: “Very often, in the community of professors, we talk a lot about research and very little about teaching. And I think it is important to value this part of the profession, which has meaning, which has a real social utility and which, for that matter, can be the source of many different innovations.” (Amélie Gabriargues, PhD candidate at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL).

Find the 2022 edition’s programme and discover what to expect for the 2023 edition of the Pédago’Days https://innovation-pedagogique.psl.eu/actualites/retrouvons-nous-aux-pedagodays-psl-les-jeudi-16-vendredi-17-juin-2022

Discover PSL Pedagogical Innovation Centre : https://innovation-pedagogique.psl.eu/

Cover photo credits: Centre d’innovation pédagogique – Université PSL

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