In May 2019, with the help of the YERUN Research Mobility Awards, I have visited the Institute for Organization and Management of Information Systems, faculty of computer science at Ulm University, Germany. This was the first opportunity to present my completed PhD work after successful viva voce earlier in March. In my thesis I have developed novel techniques, models and software for estimating the impact of data centre planning decisions on Total Cost of Ownership, area which was also of interest to my hosting institute.
During my visit to the University of Ulm, firstly I have presented and explained my research overview and recent findings at an organised seminar. Secondly, at the seminar we have identified possible collaboration points among the research centre members and their students. This resulted in follow on meetings with members of the group and their students.
The hosting Institute for Organization and Management of Information Systems deals with issues such as autonomous management of information structures, efficient implementation of cloud or cluster systems and application, middleware and hardware service management and provisioning. As such, the institute is responsible for running the state-of-the-art cloud data centre. The main benefit of for me was to cross over from theory of my research in modelling and simulation to practice of management real data centre as a system. The access to the knowledge of the group has improved my understanding of day to day challenges in cloud data centre management and understanding of tool stack used in the process. My time spent at the Ulm University created a closer bond between two research groups which resulted in a joint collaboration writing a book chapter and more regular contact between two research groups. Meeting everyone in person definitely allowed to develop higher degree of bilateral understanding and trust which cannot be achieved through a remote communication.

Sergej Svorobej is a is a postdoctoral researcher in the Irish Institute of Digital Business at Dublin City University. Sergej’s research focus is on complex systems and modelling and simulation with specific emphasis on cloud computing applications and infrastructure. Currently Sergej is finalising work on H2020-RECAP project and prior to that Sergej was a researcher at the Irish Centre for Cloud Computing and Commerce and on FP7-CACTOS project. Previously, he held roles in SAP Ireland and SAP UK. He holds a PhD from Dublin City University and a B.Sc. in Information Systems and Information Technology from Dublin Institute of Technology.
Click here to access Sergej’s google scholar profile and here to access his Linkedin profile.