Thanks to YERUN I was able to do a research stay at Nova University Lisbon from 15th to 26th July 2019. The main host researcher was Professor Ramos of Strategic Environmental Assessment and Planning at the School of Science and Technology, and senior researcher at the Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research (CENSE).
The experience of Prof. Ramos is extensive and focuses mainly on sustainability assessment and indicators, including impact assessment, stakeholder engagement, organizational performance management and reporting. Thus, the central axis of his work is directly related to my focus of research, that is, sustainability assessment.
Prof. Ramos’ career has been key to finding a starting point in our joint work. The first step agreed upon is the writing of an article that includes sustainability and the circular economy of higher education institutions in Spain and Portugal. Preliminary work will be presented at “1st Conference on sustainable campus” to be held on 31st of October 2019 in Porto, Portugal. In the future, the possibility of participating in research and teaching projects is left open; as well as in diverse scientific productions: papers for conferences, articles and organization of international events.
One of the advantages of the visit was that I could meet a large team of researchers (mostly international) associated with Nova University and external staff working at CENSE. The main five thematic areas that CENSE emphasizes are: Ecological Economics and Environmental Management, Energy and Climate, Computation for Sustainability, Bioresources and Green Technologies, and Sustainable Water Sanitation, Wastes and Resources Recovery. At CENSE, I also attended the seminar “O Sistema de Gestao ambiental do Exercito Brasilerio e a Conformidade Ambiental das Organizacoes Militares” by Prof. Hélder Guimaraes held on July 22.

Leyla Angélica Sandoval Hamón has a degree in Economics (from the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia). This degree was recognized and validated as having the same status as the Spanish title Bachelor of Economics. Sandoval received her doctorate in “Economics and Business” (2013) with “Cum Laude” and an “International PhD Mention” at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Currently, she is an Assistant Lecturer in the Business Organization Department of the UAM and she has been a researcher at the INAECU Institute (Research Institute for Higher Education and Science Assessment). This Institute was created by two universities within the YERUN Network (the “Universidad Carlos III” and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid”). Her research focuses on sustainability, corporate social responsibility and organizational change (strategic alliances, joint ventures, and mergers) and methodological issues. She has recently begun to explore the subject of sustainability evaluation in higher education institutions. While she was a PhD student, she was involved in research at Helsinki Center for Research into Economics (Finland) and the San Diego State University, Department of Economics (U.S.). She teaches courses in the undergraduate programs on strategic management and business organization. She has also been a visiting Lecturer at the Universities of Vienna (Austria), Antwerp (Belgium), Andes (Colombia) and Coimbra (Portugal). She has published papers in the peer-reviewed ISI journal and Scopus (such as: Lex localis – Journal of Local Self-Government, International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, European Journal of Sustainable Development and International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise). She has also published in chapter books and international conference proceedings, and coordinated and participated in several research projects. Prior to her academic career, she was a consultant with a non-profit organization (FADE Foundation) and with P&B consulting and a chamber of commerce in Murcia (Spain).
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