On 19 November, the consortium of the Erasmus+ STICK project (Sport and Academic Talent Integration through Exchange Programmes in Hockey) presented its final results in Brussels. The consortium is composed by three YERUN members (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Dublin City University and University of Antwerp) plus the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Nottingham Trent University, as well as five European sport clubs.
STICK aims at the design of a sport-academic exchange scheme into the Erasmus+ Programme, which student athletes felt did not fit very well. The project successfully showed that, if universities and sport clubs work together, it is possible that sport men and women who are also students do not have to choose between their academic and professional life and their sport life, enhancing their dual careers. The project is focused in Field Hockey as a pilot sport, but final results are to be further implemented in other sports.
Interested in knowing more about the project’s results? Visit the website: www.stickproject.eu
Photo cover: @STICKproject_eu