More than 350 participants, mostly professors, researchers and PhD students, accepted the invitation of Professor Elvira Fortunato, Vice-Rector of NOVA in the area of Research, to attend the 1st edition of NOVA Science Day on 10 September at the Rectorate, in Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
The opening was done by the Rector of NOVA, Professor João Sàágua, who stressed the fact that this event naturally derives from NOVA’s objective to produce useful research and be accountable to society. Among other aspects, the Rector also focused on attracting and developing talent, and aligning the research agenda with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
The keynote speeches were delivered by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Professor Manuel Heitor and the European Commission’s Director General for Research and Innovation, Jean-Eric Paquet.
Science Day was also the stage for the announcement and award ceremony of the Santander Totta – NOVA Collaborative Research Award 2017/2018, this year in the area of Life Sciences, to researchers Raffaela Gozzelino (NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas), Ana Margarida Grenho Ferreira (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas) and Pedro Neves (NOVA School of Business and Economics), for the project “Stress-induced neuroinflammation: mechanisms and implications for decision-making and performance”.
The afternoon was dedicated to flash presentations of research in the various NOVA schools and institutes, the NOVA Doctoral School and NOVAHealth initiatives as well as the presentation of posters by the 43 research units and Collaborative Laboratories (CoLABs).
Professor Elvira Fortunato closed the day by reinforcing the willingness to maintain an open dialogue and the support of the NOVA University Lisbon to its researchers.
- Participants NOVA Science Day
- Prof Sáàgua, Rector U Nova Lisboa
- Prof Elvira Fortunato and EC DG Jean-Eric Paquet