November 23, 2017

PhD students from the University of Konstanz visit Brussels

Last 16 November, a group of PhD students from the Konstanz Research School of Chemical Biology organised a visit trip to Brussels to get more information about Research Integrity and Ethics. Research Integrity is a part of the overall Open Science approach, and is a fundamental aspect when performing research that is not an always straight forward concept to apply.

The visit was also an opportunity to learn about the European institutions and their decision making process, the framework programmes for funding research and innovation (H2020), experiences from researchers working at the European Commission, and last but not least, the network YERUN.

Researchers and staff from YERUN institutions interested in organising this type of visits can get in touch with the YERUN Office.

For more information about Research Integrity please consult the ALLEA European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity.

University of Konstanz

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