June 1, 2021

UC3M Summer Courses 2021


The UC3M-CBA Summer Courses are a cultural and artistic project of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the Círculo de Bellas Artes and a point of reference for summer courses in Spain. Organized by the UC3M Office of the Vice-President for Communication and Culture and the CBA, these courses focus on interdisciplinarity and dialogue about the present, encompassing themes that range from the audiovisual media and cultural management to artistic reflection, fashion and photography, among others. The courses will take place from 21 June to 7 July 2021.   

One of the courses’ aims is to provide some keys for critical interpretation of our world today through its cultural and artistic manifestations. The other, which goes hand in hand with this first objective, is to understand creative practices from the artistic as well as political dimension. These courses, with participation from prestigious intellectuals and professionals, offer their instruction in the format of theoretical classes and artistic experimentation workshops, geared towards students and professionals alike, along with anyone interested in art and culture.

All of the summer program will be given in Spanish and will take place on-site at the Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid venue. While it is possible to sign up for the courses in an online mode, the workshops will be offered solely in face-to-face format.

For more information, please visit: https://www.uc3m.es/culture/summercourses21

Participants from YERUN partner institutions are eligible to receive a discount.

UC3M Summer Courses 2021


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