The upcoming Staff Week „From Cotutelles to Joint Programmes – Challenges and Opportunities“ is organized by the University of Bremen as part of the Erasmus+ project “Joint Programmes at Doctorate Level in a European university network: Linking Education and Research towards the European Education Area” (LINK EDU-RES). It will take place on the campus of the University of Bremen, Germany.
The aim of this event is to bring together and connect deans, researchers, doctoral candidates, administrative staff, and other university members involved with or interested in the administration and initiation of joint programmes at the doctoral level. We would like to create an opportunity to discuss the vision behind joint programmes and opportunities both for institutions and for individuals. We will also consider the legal and institutional framework relevant to establishing various forms of international collaboration, from cotutelles to international graduate programmes and joint degrees. Steps and stops on the way to joint doctoral education as well as insights into the reality of doctoral research in more than one institution will be at the focus.
For more information click here or send an email to the project coordinator: Andrea Gottlieb (andrea.gottlieb@vw.uni-