October 16, 2024

NOVA University Lisbon advances Open Science through the OPUS Project

The OPUS project is an EU-funded initiative led by an 18-member consortium, coordinated by The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN). Its primary goal is to develop measures to reform the assessment of research and researchers at Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) and Research Funding Organisations (RFOs). The project aims to create a system that incentivises and rewards researchers for practicing Open Science.

At NOVA, the project is being piloted by 15 ERC researchers from the MaGIC and GHTM research centres. Since the project’s launch, NOVA has organised four successful workshops focused on key Open Science (OS) topics, such as open access publishing, rights retention, Open Science concepts and tools, data management plans, and the ARGOS system. These workshops, delivered by both internal and external experts, have received strong participation and positive feedback, underscoring their value to the research community. Future workshops will continue to address essential aspects of Open Science, tailored to the needs and feedback of researchers.

As part of the OPUS project, NOVA is also tracking key Open Science outputs, including open access publications, datasets, software, and citizen engagement activities. To date, NOVA has met or exceeded its targets in all these areas, demonstrating the project’s effectiveness.

All activities and lessons learned at NOVA are shared in monthly Mutual Learning meetings, where OPUS pilots exchange experiences and develop recommendations to address common challenges based on shared findings.

OPUS Project: https://opusproject.eu/

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