October 16, 2024

Open Science ambassadors

Two research teams from Nicolaus Copernicus University have been named “open science ambassadors” in the Full Open Science (FOS) pilot initiative. The programme was implemented as part of the YUFERING project.

– Open Science is a way to disseminate research results that also allows other scientists or entrepreneurs to analyse and use the developed control algorithms for their own needs – says Rafał Szczepański Ph.D., one of the appointed ambassadors from the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science. The researcher points out that with open access, it is easier to establish international cooperation, but also the number of citations of such publications (both of the article itself and of the research data) is much higher. However, advocating Open Science was not the only reason Dr. Szczepański enlisted his team for the role, it was also a way to promote technical science at the university level. 

The initiative aimed to promote open, citizen science as a “cultural change” at partner institutions participating in the YUFE consortium. The invitation to participate in the FOS program was addressed to research teams that, among other things, are conducting research or preparing a joint publication, and members of these groups already had experience of open publishing or wanted to engage in open science.

To become an ambassador of open science, two mandatory criteria had to be fulfilled. One of the competition requirements was that all team members had an ORCID ID. In addition, at least 60 percent of the publications of all individuals in the group from 2019-2021 had to be disseminated in open access. In addition, teams had to meet a selection of three of the ten additional criteria.

The title was granted to two research teams from the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, NCU:

  • The aforementioned Rafal Szczepański, Ph.D., and Krystian Erwiński, Ph.D.;
  • Prof. Dr. Boudewijn Roukema, M.Sc. Justyna Borkowska, M.Sc. Matteo Cinus and M.Sc. Marius Peper.


Photocredit: © Andrzej Romanski

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