June 11, 2024

YERUN FP10 video series: Amplifying research voices across Europe

YERUN – The Young European Research Universities Network – is dedicated to creating a more attractive, impactful, and inclusive European research framework. Our vision for FP10 is to support high-quality research, encourage collaborative efforts, and provide equal opportunities for all participants.

On 10 April 2024, we published our policy paper “FP10: Attractive, Impactful, and Inclusive,” which outlines our strategic priorities for shaping the next EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme (FP10) into a world-leading initiative that fosters excellence in research and innovation.

To further our advocacy and disseminate our key recommendations, on 6 June, we launched the YERUN FP10 video series. Through these videos, researchers, and research managers from YERUN universities share their insights on the critical priorities highlighted in our FP10 paper.


Our first video features Prof. Dr. Lena Katrin Bayer-Wilfert from the Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics at Ulm University. In this video, Prof. Dr. Bayer-Wilfert shares insights on the importance of funding broad and bottom-up research to achieve impact. 


In the second video of the series, Prof. Daniela Kalafatović from the Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development – Department of Molecular and Systemic Biomedicine -, at the University of Rijeka shares her insights on the crucial need for higher investments to fund all quality research ideas with the potential for impact.


The third episode of the YERUN FP10 video series features Prof. António Jacinto, Biomedical Scientist and Scientific Director at NOVA Institute for Medical Systems Biology, NOVA University Lisbon. Prof. Jacinto addresses the critical question: “How to fund innovative research?”. In his analysis, he discusses how prescriptiveness in research funding limits the potential impact of research and explains how broader calls for proposals can facilitate wider innovation, ultimately leading to stronger societal benefits.


The fourth video in our YERUN FP10 video series includes insights from Prof. Przemysław Żywiczyński of the Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. In this video, Prof. Żywiczyński discusses how to widen participation in research funding. He highlights the need to simplify application procedures to boost participation of under-represented countries in research.


The fifth video of the YERUN FP10 video series features insights from Eevi Laukkanen, Research Manager at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies at the University of Eastern Finland. In this video, Eevi Laukkanen reflects on how research impacts our future, highlighting that funding research today will lay the foundations for the innovations of tomorrow.


In the sixth video in the YERUN FP10 video series, Prof. Dr. Lena Katrin Bayer-Wilfert from the Institute of Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation Genomics at Ulm University shares her insights on widening opportunities for research discovery. She emphasises that boosting funding for smaller research teams and consortia can significantly intensify and accelerate scientific discoveries.


The seventh video of the YERUN FP10 video series features Prof. Felix Wensveen from the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology at the University of Rijeka. Prof. Wensveen highlights that the key to improving access to research funds is enabling researchers to focus on answering the research questions.


The eighth episode of the YERUN FP10 video series welcomes back Eevi Laukkanen, Research Manager at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies at the University of Eastern Finland. The Research Manager reflects on how to maximise the impact of research, explaining that impact pathways should be integrated into research and engagement methods. 


In the ninth video of the YERUN FP10 video series, Prof. Steven Van Passel, Vice Rector of Valorisation at the University of Antwerp, discusses how to fund impactful research, emphasising that funding interdisciplinary bottom-up research contributes to competitiveness and delivers broader impacts at all levels.


In the tenth video of the YERUN FP10 video series, Prof. Renaud Jolivet, Neural Engineering & Computation Scientist at the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Maastricht University, reflects on the critical importance of investing in scientific research. He emphasises that scientific discoveries are the foundation of Europe’s prosperity, guaranteeing our freedom, democratic values, and quality of life.


In the eleventh episode of the YERUN FP10 video series, Prof. Sanja Bahun, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Essex, highlights the crucial role of social sciences, arts, and humanities in research. Prof. Bahun emphasises the need for greater integration of these fields to make research funding inclusive-by-design and to unleash its full benefits.


In the twelfth episode of the YERUN FP10 video series, Eevi Laukkanen, Research Manager at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies at the University of Eastern Finland, addresses the question “How to fund inclusive and excellent science?”. She explains that excellent science, when inclusive and interdisciplinary, delivers excellent impact.


This video series will continue to feature researchers from various YERUN universities. Stay tuned and follow our YouTube channel, website, and social media (LinkedIn and X) for more insightful videos and updates. 

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