May 22, 2024

Erasmus+, a cornerstone of UM’s internationalisation strategy 

Maastricht University (UM) is deeply committed to the Erasmus+ exchange programme, valuing it as a cornerstone of its internationalisation strategy. By participating in Erasmus+, UM offers its students and staff the opportunity to gain valuable experiences abroad, fostering cultural exchange and enhancing their academic and professional development. 

Through this programme, UM aims to build strong, collaborative networks across Europe and beyond, enriching its educational environment and supporting its mission of producing globally-minded graduates. 

Among the Dutch universities, Maastricht University currently sends out and receives the highest number of students within the Erasmus+ Key Action 131 programme. As of 2023, Maastricht University is also participating in the Erasmus+ Key Action 171 programme with a select number of non-European partners, predominantly from the strategic Worldwide Universities Network.

From this year, Maastricht University employees can take part in an Erasmus+ staff mobility pilot programme, initially offering support staff and, at a later stage, also early career researchers the chance to work at partner universities abroad. This pilot runs until 2026, with plans to expand university-wide thereafter. 

The pilot also includes an International Staff Mobility Week, which will be organised in the context of Maastricht University’s 50th anniversary in 2026.

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