November 19, 2019

YERUN RMA 2019 – Meet Dalila Lindov

Earlier this year I received a grant from YERUN and completed my research stay at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona in May 2019. I visited Prof. Isabele Busom Piquer at the department of Applied Economics. I was then in my second year of study and starting my second dissertation paper.

Looking into her publications, I believed that prof. Busom Piquer could provide useful feedback related to my research paper. I explained her in advance what I was working on and she was also very interested in this field. Meeting Prof. Busom Piquer was very useful for me, especially in the initial phase of my project. She was very informed about this field of research and had many suggestions and ideas for my next step. She has also organized a meeting with other professors at her department that were involved in the research on behavioral economics and economics of education. We spent a substantive amount of time discussing my idea to the smallest details and this was enormously helpful. I felt extremely welcome at their University and would gladly visit them again. Overall, my impression was extremely good. The cooperation with Prof Busom Piquer, naturally, continues. I highly recommend an experience like this to all PhD students from YERUN member universities!

Dalila is a PhD Candidate at the Chair of Political Economy, Prof.Dr. Heinrich Ursprung, Department of Economics, Graduate School of Decision Sciences, University of Konstanz (since Oct 2017). Her second and third supervisors are Jun.Prof.Dr. Stephan Maurer from University of Konstanz and Prof.Dr. Niklas Potrafke from IFO institute/LMU. She obtained my Master degree also at the University of Konstanz (MSc Economics, 2015-2017). She has been performing variety of teaching activities (Einführung in die VWL, Mikroökonomie I, Introduction to Decision Theory), as well as research assistance and collaboration at the Economics Department at the University of Konstanz. In her dissertation, she analyses various political economy topics mostly focused on self-election into a field of study by undergraduate students, effects of a highly successful career on fertility and deviation from expected utility theory within economics students. She has excellent programming skills and specialises in empirical studies.

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