On September 5th, YERUN members met in Brunel University London for their General Assembly meeting. The eighteen institutions discussed the progress achieved and agreed on the actions ahead to further advance on the YERUN strategic actions.
YERUN promotes collaboration and joint actions in the areas of education, research, graduate employability and open science. Our institutions are increasing the number of joint programmes offered to their students, which in turn increases their possibilities of mobility and learning.
In terms of research collaboration, a second call for the YERUN Research Mobility Awards (YRMA) is being adopted and will be published later in September. For this call, YERUN will increase the funding and award the 35 best candidates.
Following on the other priorities, YERUN members are participating in a self-assessment exercise to evaluate the state of implementation of Open Science in our institutions. Preliminary results were presented at the meeting and a report will be available later this year. YERUN is part of the coalition of “Doers” of Open Science, members of the Open Science Policy Platform and committed to advance and progress Open Science to become the norm in our institutions. Members discussed the recently launched Plan S and its cOAlition S and will be publishing their position soon.
As the representative of young universities in Europe, YERUN continues engaged in the development of Horizon Europe, engaging with Parliament and the Permanent Representations. Members are aware of the need to reinforce the messages at national level to make sure Horizon Europe has the necessary resources to become a successful programme.
Last but not least, members voted a new Executive Board. YERUN welcomes Prof Corrado Cerruti (U Rome Tor Vergata) as Treasurer and Prof Brian MacCraith (DCU) as Board member. Prof Martin Paul (Maastricht University) and Prof Nicole Dehé (U Konstanz) have been re-elected as Vice President and Board member respectively.
YERUN wants to thank Prof Anthony Forster (U Essex) and Prof Alain Verschoren (U Antwerp) for their commitment and active engagement in the Board. Their contributions have been fundamental to advance YERUN’s agenda.
Follow @YERUN_EU to stay tuned.