Based on the experience gathered developing Joint Programmes in the last years, YERUN has compiled the information, methodology and necessary steps to make the process of developing a Joint Programme a success. YERUN members are pleased to share their experience with other stakeholders willing to increase their collaboration in their educational strategies with other partners. We hope our experience continues to build on the existing materials and paves the way for more European educational programmes.
Check our guidelines here!! YERUN Guidelines on Joint Programmes Bachelor & Master (full version)
The renewed EU agenda for higher education (COM 2017) stresses the role of the EU in promoting international cooperation, exchange and mobility to boost quality. In parallel, the vision of a European Education Area, beyond 2020, identifies as a key element working towards truly European universities, which are able to network and cooperate seamlessly across borders and compete internationally (COM 2017). Promoting education collaboration in YERUN through the establishment of Joint Programmes is fully aligned with that ambition. YERUN will continue increasing their activities and support in this area to make it a reality in years to come.
The Guidelines consist of two versions (full and a short one) describing the methodology and different stages to develop Joint Programmes. There are a set of 7 appendixes with information forms and templates ready to use. They are included in the full version of the Guidelines but can also be downloaded separately.
To see all the documents, please click here.
Photo by Baim Hanif on Unsplash